Tube pre-amps $3500 under to add "warmth"

I'm interested in thoughts. Looking to add a touch of warmth to an all solid state digital based system. I am considering the following but have not heard any except VTL.

Modwright SWLP 9.0 SE
Dodd battery
Supratek Sauvignon
VTL 5.5
Audio Horizons TP 2.0

Anyone had the opportunity to compare some of these?
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Used Joule-Electra LA-100 mk. 3.

Incredibly musical preamp, seemingly often way underpriced in the used market (two currently available at $1795 / $1750 and I've seen others lower than that in the past).
I would add conrad johnson to your list. Not sure whether or not they are warm sounding but they are certainly very musical.

Re the Conrad-Johnsons, if you can find a used Premier 17LS2, for around $3K or so, grab it. This thing is supremely musical with your "touch of warmth" to boot. Note I'm talking about the 17LS2, not the 17LS. the "2" sold for $6K new, the plain version was $4.5K and was well worth the difference sonically. Plus you get a great remote, plenty of inputs and outputs, and it ain't bad looking. Good luck, Dave