Integrated amp for Quad 22L?

I am looking for an integrated amp, preferably used, to drive the Quad 22L speakers. I listen primarily to rock(70%) - classic, alternative, modern & some classical - instrumental, indian fusion(20%) & vocal(10%). I prefer a warm sound, with a good, tight bass, nice mids and smooth highs. The speakers will be in a small room(15'x12') placed along the width.

Budget is 1K & I am fine with either SS or tube but have never owned a tube product, so I am unsure about maintenance. Since I have a limited budget for now, I plan to use a Roku soundbridge playing my cd's ripped to FLAC/WAV from htpc.

- The 22L is rated 89dB at 6 ohms. What is the minimum power requirements for the amp? I don't play music at rock-the-house levels but need something which delivers impact on music like Zeppelin, Pink Floyd etc.
- I would like to use the optical out on the Roku. Are there any integrated amps which have digital input(coax or optical)?
- If I wanted to add a subwoofer in the future, can an integrated amp provide the necessary pre-out?

I should add that the dealer was driving them with a Quad cd player & pre-pro. He suggested that Arcam would also be a good match. How about NAD, Rotel & the Outlaw receiver(RR2150)?
You may want to check out the Tad-60 - there a few used ones for sale right here that are well within your price range. It is a versataile amp which can also be used as an integrated as well, and there are several gushing reviews for it right here in this forum. I doubt you can do very much better, sonically speaking, at your price point. That being said I have not heard the amp but I did own Paul's Cayin Tad-30 which was a fine integrated and Paul states the Tad -60 is much better. I currently own the Tad 1000 monoblocks which are fabulous and did have them paired with quad 21L's (which I believe are similar sounding to the 22L's) - with excellent results.
You may want to check out the Tad-60 - there a few used ones for sale right here that are well within your price range. It is a versataile amp which can also be used as an integrated as well, and there are several gushing reviews for it right here in this forum. I doubt you can do very much better, sonically speaking, at your price point. That being said I have not heard the amp but I did own Paul's Cayin Tad-30 which was a fine integrated and Paul states the Tad -60 is much better. I currently own the Tad 1000 monoblocks which are fabulous and did have them paired with quad 21L's (which I believe are similar sounding to the 22L's) - with excellent results.

This will be first dedicated 2-channel system, so I don't know the first thing about biasing or replacing tubes. I read a little of the TAD-60 review & discussion and the technical details seem to be complicated.

How often do you need to do this & how difficult is it? Should I just stick to SS or hybrid components for now?
I don't know how my reply was posted twice, but anyway, don't be intimidated, biasing the tubes is a piece of cake. It really involves nothing more then hooking up a meter that I believe paul provides and turning a screw until it reads the proper bias, and this only needs to be done on the power tubes, and only needs to be checked very infrequently or when you replace a tube. Talk to Paul at Bizzybee, He's a great guy and will answer any question you may have. if you cannot reach him via phone just email him, he's usually fairly quick to respond.
