Need balanced pre with HT bypass/remote/

I recently bought some great used ATC SCM 150ASL active loudspeakers on this site. They are wonderful replacements for my VMPS RM/X's, but they have put my great-sounding Modwright SWL 9.0 SE into a tizzy. Due to the SWL being single-ended there are numerous ground and buzz/hum issues that have arisen because of rca-to-XLR, etc.. Some grounding straps have helped quiet it up in 2 channel but the HT bypass continues to have noise now. Jensen isolators may help, too, but it's getting crazy. Anyway, I'm also susceptible to phase inversion and I use to be able to swap speaker leads when i thought things would sound better that way; I can no longer do that with the ATC's (no speaker leads). The Modwright inverts phase, period.

So, I am in the market for not simply a replacement for the Modwright, but I want a significant upgrade if I'm gonna do this. The table stakes include true balanced outs, remote control, HT bypass (or unity gain-fixed gain), and an invert phase switch if possible. The following are a list of contenders based on my internet surfing over the past couple of days. Any opinions on these would be very helfpul. I've read quite a few user opinions, and most list the Ref 3 as tops, but a couple folks claim they like the new LS26 better, and it's almost half the price (neither are likely available used). The other top contenders would be possiblly available used or new:
* ARC Ref 3
* ARC LS26
* ARC Ref 2 Mk 2
* Aesthetix Calypso
* Pass Labs x0.2 (no invert function)

My 2 channel equipment is mainly:
* a wonderful sounding Modwright tubed-modded Denon 3910 for redbook and hirez
* a SOTA Saphire tt into a Dynavector P-75 stage (will soon upgrade SOTA, and possibly Dyna down the line)
* ATC SCM150ASl active speakers with triamps internal

Note: Although I also have a 5.1 and 7.1 setup in this room, driven by the modded 3910 hirez surround and DVD into a Denon 4806 acting as a surround pre (soon to Anthem D2 for balanced needs into ATC surrounds, as well) it's mainly my 2 channel sound I'm focused on now.

Feel free to add a pre of your choice, but it needs to include the basics. Thx much,
Accuphase C-2400 meets all requirements plus it has an optional MM/MC phono module too which isn't at all bad.
The BAT VK-31SE would also give you everything you're looking for. I can't comment sound-wise on the VK-31SE vs VK-51SE, but the 31SE has two XLR inputs and 3 RCA inputs, so depending on your source components, if you need RCA inputs the 31SE may be something to check into. I have one at the center of my combo 2-channel and home theater system, and it is dead quiet, no noise issues at all.

The new BAT VK-42SE may also be something to consider.
Calypso meets your requirements and is a bargain for it's sound quality. Also you could add the Sonic Frontiers Line 3 to the list as it meets most of your needs.
Tedmbrady, I'm really am starting to start sound like a Placette pusher. I really should call Guy at Placette and see if I can get some kind of compensation!

If you want any indepth information abount Placette products, just call Guy at placette. He's owner, designer, builder and brains behind Placette.

He's also one of the nicest, most available and definately most informative guys in audio.

Also, it sounds like you need a custom designed pre. Well once again, you can't do better than a Placette, Guy will be more than happy to custom build a unit to your exact needs.

Try that with other companies.

Again, Happy listening
No, keep it coming. it's refrshing to see someone so enamored with a company and its founder. Good stuff.

I've been reading your posts here and at AVS. Have you heard or know anyone who has heard bot the LS26 and the Ref3? A poster on Stereophile's forum claimed he liked it better than the Ref3!? I realize many say it's slightly favored over the Ref2Mk2, so it seems to be a bargain...but the age old, is it 90% of the Ref3 and I'll forever be kicking myself for the other 10%? I realize this hobby leads us into the diminishinbg returns area fairly quickly, and then the slope becomes quite steep.

I appreciate evryone's coments so far. Here in N. Ohio we have little if any hi-end dealer network, much worse than 15 yrs ago. Luckily I travel the East Coast and will do my best to hear these pre's in varied (yuck) environments. It'll be like comparing apples to ash trays, though. Goodwin's has a few that they might be able to set up in a fairly consistent environment; I'll try there very soon.

I haven't seen anything on the BAT42 yet. And I'll look into the others, too. I realize that I can't drive all the cars in the world, but I'll try to pick a few and go with it.

Cured the noise on the HT bypass for the time being (cheater'd the surround processor) but this needs to end soon. Keep 'em coming, though.