Has anyone heard FM Acoustics

I have been told by a couple of Audiophiles that the FM Acoustics amplifiers were incredibly good and very expensive. Has anyone had hand-on experiences with these amplifiers? The amp I have heard of most is the Resolution 811. Would this venerable amp still approach the state of the art for solid state?
I have heard FM Acoustics at audio showa, these are indeed great amps (both the monoblocks and the stereo versions).
FM Acoustics is among the best of the best. Not really a mainstream player in high end but it is truly SOTA
I heard a complete FM Acoustics system at the Stereophile show in San Francisco a few years back. Some of the best sound I've ever heard.

very very high end..

pre amp recently sold on ebay for 10,000$ USD used.

based here in Switzerland, in fact I think there offices are just a few miles from where I'm sitting !

Tom Choy of Audio Lab in Honolulu has FM Acoustics equipment. It is truly SOTA. I heard the Resolution 411 poweramp hooked up to a BAT preamp and VK-D5 CDP and it was some of the best-sounding equipment I've ever heard on very difficult music--massed voices of large choirs. No problem--separation, detail, extension, air, and great sweetness. I think the FM poweramp I heard goes for $8.5K used!