Goldpoint Passive Preamps

I'm trying out some passive preamps and was wondering if anyone has tried the Goldpoint products. If so, which model, which attenuator, and which resistor. I'd also like to know what equipment you are using it with.

My equipment:

Transistor Research Labs D-225 solid state amp, 225 watts/per chammel, 67k ohm input impedance, .8V input sensitivity, 30db gain.

Spendor 1/2e speakers, 8 ohms, 88db sensitivity.

TRL Sony DVP-NS900V CDP, 2V output.

TRL Audio Mirror D1 Signature DAC, 1.5 output

Thanks in advance for your help.

I have spoken with Scott Nixon on the phone about the Reference Line which he does own now. He checked the 1A out for the seller and performed some minor repairs then drop shipped it to me.

I was leary going to a passive but Ralph Karsten at Atma-sphere was confident that the synergy with his amps and the Merdian front end would work with a passive.

My system has never sounded better. I am expereincing some depth, realism of instruments, soundstaging like never before with an active. I am using Tekline silver cables from the CDP and Magnan MKIII to the amps.

All I can say is it worked for me (and its remote control volume)


Thanks for the response. Do you know if Scott plans to sell Reference Line in the future. Would it be possible for you to email me his number. I would like to learn a lot more about this passive preamp.

I had a RL Preeminence 1B for a brief period. I didn't care for it even compared to my JJ preamp at the time, and my TVC lays both to waste. The RL has all the cleanness and transparency of a passive design, but also retains the negative aspects, lack of dynamics and tonal color.

My preamp is a custom job by Kevin Carter of K&K Audio. It uses the Mark I version of the S&B transformers and Seiden switches for input selection and volume control. Previously I had the Mark II's, but the original is much better, in my opinion.
