Which Lamm should I add to the flock?

I have a Classe' 301 amp, an Audio Aero Capitale C.D player which I use as the pre, and Piega P10 speakers. The Classe' had lemoned on me again, to the shop for the last time. I heard Tenor 75wp with this same setup, and it was beautiful. I am leaning toward the Lamm's, but this is where my ignorance shows. The ML2's or the ML1.1's? This is a major purchase for me (hopefully the last for years to come with amps), someday to replace the p10's. Thanks for any help and suggestions.
Thanks Doc. I appreciate your input. The ML2.1's must sound wonderful. Don't know if I'll get simular results with just replacing one tube but I'm always looking for an improvement even if it's small. I was also thinking about the Telefunken's but don't know which one to try.

Elberoth2. If you find out anything specific to the M1.2Ref.'s please let me know.
I found the best 6922s for Lamm Hybrids are the Amperex Pinched Waist 6922 and Seimens CCa. For some reason, I was not impressed with the Telefunken CCa. Power cords also make a significant improvement.
I've seemed to stay on the tube side of things and you haven't heard the ML2 until you actually do hear them with your own ears. When you do, you will be in for a shock to hear how un-hifi it is, with transparency beyond what I imagined from all the rave reviews. Timing becomes the very essence of the overall musical structure, add that with an ease of delivery and speed.

For me it all started with a preamp first, and then the rest of my system was broken or sounded wrong. Start small if you're not sure at first, get a preamp and experience a taste of what's possible. It's not for everyone (trying to be biased here) but if you like it, it will change the way to listen to music.

My system can play plenty loud, but I enjoy listening at very low levels, because nothing is missing, and it's simply there, why listen loudly?

With all that said, I have not heard the hybrid brotheren.
If you are looking for a really clean tube that is a drop in for a 6922 that won't cost you $200 try the under recognized but really better sounding Mullard CV2493 not the 70s 6922 or even the CV 2492. I think I got mine from Tubemonger I'm not sure though. It is in a class of its own and really has a superbly clean but great tone simply a different sound than any other 6922 variants. I tried a boatload except for the ridiculously expensive collector's trophies. Contact me offline and I'll give the run down. (I don't understand the use of a 12AX7 in a circuit that is made for a 6 volt tube not a 12volt, be careful or you will destroy your cicuitry.)