Parasound JC-1 amps. Preamp advice??

I'm looking for a preamp with phono stage in the $4-5K range new or used to go with my JC-1 mono blocks. SS or tube. I want to run my table through it so phono stage is a must. Also need balanced inputs and outputs. So far Mac c200 and Ayre K-1x are at the top of my list. The rest of system is...
VPI Scoutmaster with Dynavector 17D2MKII cartridge
Sony SCD-1
Audio Aero Prima SE DAC
Legacy-Audio Signature III speakers
Cabling is Siltech and LAT
Thanks for any help.
Thanks everyone for your input. I have tried the Aesthetix Calypso, and the BAT VK-31 (not SE) in my system and liked them both. But for my tastes thought the Aesthetix was better. I guess I'll keep my eyes open for one of the Janus, or Ayre K-1x used and go for it. I've read both offer great phono stages.
I'm going to concur with Mimberman, as I am using an Aesthetix Calypso with JC1's to great effect. Unfortunately, I can't talk to the phono section of the Janus, as I don't do vinyl. From a technical standpoint, the Calypso mates beautifully with the JC1's. I will mention that I'm runnin' GE Longplate 12AX7's. I will also mention that the break-in time on the Calypso is quite lengthy, but no where near as bad as the JC1's. I will not be parting with either of these fine audio gems anytime in the near future...
I am a dealer for both Parasound JC-1's and Einstein. The Einstein tube preamp is a perfect match for the JC-1's. The Einstein as balanced out, the JC-1's have balanced in. The combination really opened up my reference system. The Einsten has great dynamics, detail, focus, soundstaging, etc. I highly recommend this combination. If you live in the Houston,Tx area, please call and come by for a listen.
