Should I finish my basement

Moved in to a new of the main selling points was a concrete basement; walls and floor slab.
The dimensions are perfect for my setup and I will finish the ceiling and do sound treatment as necessary but really wonder if I should also put up sheet-rock ?
As of now wall are painted with water-seal paint, and I have a large carpet on the floor.
I can just hang few drapes on the walls, do some sound treatment and leave it as is...
The looks are OK either way for me - no bearing on my decision.

Just want to hear if some of you have experience with such a "dilemma" (finished vs cement walls) and what would be recommended?

PS: I would NOT want to do any sound treatment under the a matter of fact I would only mount aluminium rails to the walls and then attach 1/2inch sheet-rock
Lindisfarne, is it about Sandy? Yes or no, it's always better to be positive in most cases, because as I've heard even those who lost much more than $25k were still positive and happy...
I did a partial finished basement. Ceiling was sheet rock, painted the walls and carpeted the floor. Plus put in dedicated AC. No looking back everything worked well.
You folks with basements are lucky! We don't have that luxury out here in Cali!
Be sure it will be nearly guaranteed to never get wet. Skimp on the construction and the sound quality will suffer accordingly. Most people do not really want a custom, high end listening room; they want a custom, high end listening room on the cheap. But it doesn't work that way.
Schubert, if that is to say, I can impersonate assessor, enter the property and at gun point take every valuable item, money jewelry (maybe wome precious amps turntables whateverwhatever) and drive away. How should I technically know that I'm dealing with assessor, Social Services and not burglar??

Well I'd think the drawn weapon would clue you into the fact you're dealing with a robber and not the assessor. But with your mindset, maybe not. Too funny.