Audiophile newbie

I'm a mid-twenties yuppie. I love good sound, but I'm also not reckless with money. What are some basics I should know about when in comes to audio set-up (pre-amps, amps, speakers). I actually don't understand what purpose a pre-amp serves.

Here are a couple straight-up questions:
What does a pre-amp do?
What are the concerns to consider when choosing cables?
What are the best "bang-for-your-buck" brands? (ifi, Arcam, Vanatoo?)
You can spend a fortune to get good sound but you don't HAVE to spend a fortune to get good sound. Set up a budget, then find speakers you really like after auditioning. THEN find a good integrated amp (new or used), a moderately priced turntable (Pro-ject comes to mind), a CD player (Marantz possibly)and some reasonably priced cables (Blue jeans is a good start). NAD is okay, but I'd check out Marantz too since some of us feel that it has a better sound and reliability in the same general price ranges for integrated amps, CD, etc. Good luck.
What do you use now for sound reproduction, clarifying that "you love good sound?"

Read this book first: Sound Reproduction:The Acoustics and Psychoacoustics of Loudspeakers and Rooms. Understand it.

- And lastly, take all that money you earn as an "urban professional" and were going to spend on an "audiophile system" and donate it to a worthy charity/cause. You'll feel better about yourself in the end.

I have a NAD M55 Cd player. Love it.
I will note here a thread you might find informative.
Tekton Lore vs Zu Omen.
I have a Zu Omen paired with a Peachtree Audio Decco 65. For the money it will blow your socks off. Bought it for the living room system and makes me think about cashing in my big system.