Weird Band Names.

Hi I came up to the record "The Wonderful World of the 4-skins". Due to the band name 4-skins I had to remove one from the shelves of my record store. The song lyrics score pure violence. Wonder why they've been released?
I used to see the Vomit Gobblers listed in the weekend section of the Washington Post when I was growing up always a fave of mine.
A few other choice punk and new wave band names...

-Mr. T Experience
-Burning Sensations
-Dead Milkmen
-Swingin' Udders

...and of course, Mighty Sphincter.
Also not sure if weird enough, but here goes some from my collection:
Atomic Rooster
Demolition Doll Rods
Flying Burrito Brothers
Fuzzy Duck
Goo Goo Dolls
Jody Grind
Popa Chubby
Sleepy LaBeef
Unholy Modal Rounders