Weird Band Names.

Hi I came up to the record "The Wonderful World of the 4-skins". Due to the band name 4-skins I had to remove one from the shelves of my record store. The song lyrics score pure violence. Wonder why they've been released?
Synthfreek, publicity and reality are often two different things. They cheer with skinheads on their concerts and so cheer to violence in reality. Pure Nazis. They don't mix with normal population at all IMHO.
I used to see the Vomit Gobblers listed in the weekend section of the Washington Post when I was growing up always a fave of mine.
A few other choice punk and new wave band names...

-Mr. T Experience
-Burning Sensations
-Dead Milkmen
-Swingin' Udders

...and of course, Mighty Sphincter.
Also not sure if weird enough, but here goes some from my collection:
Atomic Rooster
Demolition Doll Rods
Flying Burrito Brothers
Fuzzy Duck
Goo Goo Dolls
Jody Grind
Popa Chubby
Sleepy LaBeef
Unholy Modal Rounders