To adjust ride level of springs on SOTA turntable

I have an older SOTA and the sub-chassis rides about 3/16" below the outer cabinet. I noticed there's screws that I assume can be adjusted to tighten or loosen the springs, is this the way to change the height of the sub-chassis or are the springs just old?
Tony-I read your system page with fascination, what you said makes perfect sense I often wondered about the horizontal oscillation of the subchassis on the Sota during loud passages in the music. I figured if the tension on the belt changed due to this so would the pitch of music. I guess it's more pronounced with a hanging suspension and the whole pendulum effect that it causes. I'm not as mechanically inclined due to disability but I'm sure I could get some helping hands. Thanks for the suggestion
My old Sapphire Vac was 25 years old, and I had the same sag issue. Kirk will sell you an inexpensive new spring kit with instructions. I am quite handy, but I botched the job. Replacing the springs was not difficult, but compressing them while screwing the long screws into the nylon nuts ended in my stripping the nuts, which caused the table to not come into level. Anyway, I ended up sending it to Kirk.

Then I was confronted with the 'upgrade question', as most all parts of that older TT have been upgraded. You can spend a good bit following the upgrade path. I decided to trade mine to Kirk for a new Cosmos Vac. Not cheap, but I am very happy. Whatever path you choose, Kirk and Donna will help you get there.
The Cosmos is nice. The motor is fixed on the sub-chassis. I'd love to get one; but with one son in med school and one a freshman in college, it is going to be a while. And part of the fun of this hobby is making your own mods and tweaks.
Do you want the repair/assembly instructions?
email me emfoods at yahoo dot com
audiogon won't allow me to post my actual email