Phono stage rec for Rega P25 with ZYX R100-02H

Just picked up a used but perfect condition Rega P25 and added a ZYX R100-02H cartridge to it. My current phono stage is the Musical Fidelity V-LPS II, but I was thinking of upgrading with a budget of ideally less than $700-800. Any good matches for this turntable/cartridge combo?
I use and like the Musical Surroundings Phonomena Nova, similar to the Phonomena II you have in your list.
Other people mention the iFi as being quite good and at a good price.
And the Ray Samuels Audio Nighthawk
Wow, just read some reviews on the Audio Nighthawk and they are quite overwhelmingly positive. This is definitely a contender now ...
I have been using a PS Audio GCPH with my Rega 25 + Denon 301MKII combo ... sounds great!
I think I'm down to the Audio Nighthawk vs the Clearaudio Basic Plus, but now I'm having a hard time deciding which one to go for. Both have been reviewed well. Clearaudio has won TAS awards, but I'm not sure how much stock to put into that. Nighthawk has had multiple glowing reviews. Any experience here?
I have a friend who owned both. He loved the sonic presentation of the Nighthawk better, but it presented some noise issues. So he switched to the Clearaudio Basic Plus. While he said the Clearaudio was dead quiet, he said it was rather sterile sounding when compared to the Nighthawk. In the end, he sold them both and wound up with a Manley Chinook which he is very happy with. Sorry, this may not have been what you wanted to hear.