Digital Source Conditioning??

Amp, and pre seem pretty happy plugged straight into the wall,connected to a pair of dedicated circuits. Thinking of conditioning for my Cary 306/SACD Player, and wondering what's out there that can really make a difference. Any ideas appreciated.

Ag insider logo xs@2xmaleja
Try out an Equitech balanced power unit. You'll be pleasantly surprised. Experiment with the pre as well or independently.
There happens to be one of these for sale at present on AGON. May look into it. Appreciate your response.

The only one that I have tried that really works great for digital electronics is the Plasmatron from

This is an AC voltage regulator using special tubes. A totally unique product.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
Check out the Blur Circle power line conditioners that come in the PVC tubing. What you save on looks will be more than made up in the sound.

All the best,