
Discussions maleja has started

Can Puccini Clock be connected directly to amplfier, and if so, are there benefits.4452
20 amp Power cord for Chord 1200 E Mark II amplifier.11155
Looking for a Nordost cable PC re-terminator.20754
Digital Source Conditioning??25756
Power Conditioning for digital source;26305
Discovery Cables contact.19431
Joseph Chow283810
Tube Preamp for possible Bryston 4B SST2 amp88857
Plinius SA 201 with Plinius M16 Preamp24100
Amp/pre compatability20572
Uneven speaker volume output461355
Plinius SA100MKll/MKlll22991
Speaker "whistle in "balanced" mode.19343
Right /left channel gain imbalance35493
Demagnetizing cloth form Germany?26734