on the desktop?

Hi all-

I'm helping a friend think about a system for her office. The room is small (about 12' by 8'), and the speakers will sit on the desktop. She will mostly listen to cds (and also needs a cdp and amp for this system.) Other considerations: she has small children, so speakers that sound nice at low volumes would be ideal. Her music taste is varied, but she listens to lots of jazz and classical. I was thinking about Harbeth P3esr (maybe run with a Wyred4Sound mint or a Rega Brio), or the Kef Ls50 with the Arcam A19. I wonder if anyone has experience with those speakers on the desktop in a small room? Or other ideas for speakers for this situation? (Component advice is welcome too). The budget is 2-5k. with many thanks! Margot
If used is OK try finding a pair of NHT M 00 active monitors paired w their passive volume controller and run the digital volume control wide open.
I have a 60" long desk and I use the KEF LS50's on them. I am restricted by an alcove in my office that prevents me from adding some stands and separating the KEFs more than the current desk config. However, even with this current restriction I would buy these same speakers. The KEFs are truly incredible near-field monitors.
I will second the Anthony Gallo Strada 2 with the Gallo sub....OR....the
Adam F5/F7 actives. Excellent choices for price and setup

I am currently using Mirage OMD-5s, with a Mirage sub and a Roth
MC4 amp (ridiculously good amp). I have a pair of the Strada 2s, and
matching sub...just haven't set them up yet. What is great about Gallo
is they sound better when close to the wall. Which on a desk is usually
a requirement. My Mirage sound great, but are too bass heavy against
the wall.
