Octave vs Ayon integrateds

Has anyone compared these 2 brands of integrateds?
I am a past owner of the Ayon Orion II. It is a beautifull-looking amp but ultimately not very well put together and the protective housing over the transformers are not solidly attached. I also went through 3 remotes - not a big great deal but then, at $ 140.00 a pop, this is not acceptable. The fact that the Ayon's manufacturing origins are somewhat hidden (could not get a straight answer from the manufacturer) also does bother me. For the asking price, I just feel those units are not worth the money.

Sonically speaking, the Ayon does sound nice - but so do others for much less money.

I did have an octave on loan for a week in direct comparison. I eventually went with a hybrid amplifier for convenience reasons.

But let me tell you, the Octave was a whole order of magnitude more refined in every way versus the Ayon.
One of the best amps I've ever heard in my life was an Octave. I've never heard an Ayon.
It is funny how folks write things that are just wrong. Ayon is made in Gratkorn Austria. After the Munich show Ayon had an open house. A modern really cool factory.

I had an Octave and it was alright - I found the Ayon Triton III more dynamic and way more musical.

I have heard Octave amps and to my they sound good. I am not a tube lover. But I could very well live with Octave. The Octave phono module is great.

I have no experience with Ayon. But I would never buy them on looks alone. To much bling.