Octave vs Ayon integrateds

Has anyone compared these 2 brands of integrateds?

Showing 1 response by soniqmike

I am a past owner of the Ayon Orion II. It is a beautifull-looking amp but ultimately not very well put together and the protective housing over the transformers are not solidly attached. I also went through 3 remotes - not a big great deal but then, at $ 140.00 a pop, this is not acceptable. The fact that the Ayon's manufacturing origins are somewhat hidden (could not get a straight answer from the manufacturer) also does bother me. For the asking price, I just feel those units are not worth the money.

Sonically speaking, the Ayon does sound nice - but so do others for much less money.

I did have an octave on loan for a week in direct comparison. I eventually went with a hybrid amplifier for convenience reasons.

But let me tell you, the Octave was a whole order of magnitude more refined in every way versus the Ayon.