Speaker recommendation for Tube Setup $1500?

Hi. I currently have a pair of JBL L220 along with highly modified Dynaco ST-70/Bottlehead Foreplay.

Since I am moving to a smaller apartment, I am in the market of monitor size speakers.

Do you have any recommendation for new speakers?

I am thinking about Vandersteen 2Ce Sig, Theil 2.3, Sonus Faber, B&W, etc...

I don't need too much bass, but looking for wide/open soundstage.

Please advise.
Green Mountain Audio-Europa, Europa Max. Well worth your time.

For a musical coherent speaker that is in your range new look at the ACI Sapphire. (audioc.com is the website) The older Sapphire III can be had for as little as $400 in some cases and garnered great reviews for a 2 way stand mount. Soundstage is very good and they are an involving speaker with bass useable in the 40hz range. 90dB efficient-great for a small-medium room. They sang with my bottlehead.
I use Totem Arro's with a Conrad Johnson MV-55 el-34 tube amp. An added benefit for you would be that they can be placed near the walls of your aparment. (Even 6 inches is enough!)
Good luck.
Well, I am in a similar position, looking for a $1500 speaker for an EL34 based amp: After a lot of reading over the last year I narrowed it down to

Omega Super 3R + subwoofer
Cain Abby

Soliloquy 5.3 or 6.2
Totem Arro
Reference 3A Dulcet or DeCapo

I just ordered the Omega's, but will also listen to the Abby's over the next few weeks. Also, I am moving soon to Calgary and there I will be able to listen to the Arros and DeCapo. Maybe I'll post some more findings here on Agon in a couple of weeks.

Good luck and let us know what you narrow the selection down to.

Thanks guys for advices. Rene, I am very interested in your opinions of those Abby's and Omega's.

Please let me know your comment once you get them.