ultimate best speakers ever- now under 15K

#1 world class winner top of the line. I have decided to upgrade my system not just a notch but all the way. I want a system that will bring me very close to the real thing whether its vocal or operatic or symphonic, I want to be able to hear the micro-details and subtle nuances, the placement of the musicians, and tonality among other things. So far the best that I have heard is the piegas c8 ltd. and dynaudio c4. I am willing to go as high as 15K for a used pair, but will first consider used ones at 7K-10K. I listen to opera mostly but I also listen to all other forms except rap. Serious contenders only please, i am interested in top grade.
Hmmm... micro-details and subtle nuances, vocal and operatic and symphonic works, tonality .... at the risk of sounding ridiculously predictable, by any chance have you considered Sound Lab full-range electrostats?? They don't "do it all", but in some of the areas that you mention they are among the very best in the world. Yup I peddle 'em; grains of salt all around.
Listen to a pair of Duevel Bella Luna spekaers. They will provide you all you are looking for and more. At $8000 they are steal....you can find them at: www.highendaudio.com...

Good luck
That kind of money will get you a pair of Avantgarde Duos with enough left for their model 5 integrated and some cables. I also agree with Tireguy that all of this is highly dependent on your room and if you intend on sticking with your present amplification.

While I agree that room treatments are important, I can't agree that you need to spend 1/2 of your budget on it. A Michael Green roomtune pack will do wonders for most rooms. Eighth Nerve had a similar product but is getting ready to release a deluxe version that is much better.
My vote used goes to the Mcintosh XRT-28s. I just heard these guys for the first time in an extended listening session at a high-end dealer in Tuscon, AZ last week. Electronics were all Mcintosh (solid state).

All I can say is I was just speechless at the spacious life-like sound I heard top to bottom. Allison Kraus was playing, and in the same location, the owner swapped in some $12,000/pr. Dalis (MS5's I think), and immeditely I knew to my ears they weren't in anywhere close to the same league as the XRT-28s.

Bass on the Macs was *very* deep and clean too. Their only weakness had nothing to do with sound quality... It was their wood finish looked relatively low quality to my eyes for their $18,200/pr. retail price(especially when compared to the fabulous one on the Dalis). Not a big deal to me, but I thought I should mention it.

Used these should be just under your $10K limit.

Good luck,
