Best all around box speaker between 15K and 25K

What is the best all around box speaker for 15K-25K? Like all kinds of music but focus on vocals, Jazz and Classical (no heavy metal).

Vandersteen 5A
Wilson WP 7
Avalon Eidolons
Aerial 20T
Focal-JM labs Nova Utopia
Sonus Farber Cremona
Kharma Ceramique 3.2
B&W Sign 800. I have much experience with the B&W line. They are simply phenomenal. You simply cannot go wrong.
The Joseph Pearls also belong on your list in this price range, as do the large SoundLabs (may be room dependent).
Vandersteen 5A. It allows you to enjoy the music without the "audiophile sound" getting in the way. If you want music, get the Vandersteens. If you want the popular brand and the most audiophile speakers, take your choice of the others.

More to the point. You can run these speakers with any front and back end electronics and expect good results. As long as they are of reasonable quality you'll get everything that gear is capable of providing. Enjoy!
imo, i thought the joseph pearl's sounded the best at he2003 and they cost 20k. (VOTED best of show the last 2 years if that means anything). the 5a's sounded pretty good also, but i thought the joseph, wilson, and a few other sound better. The Sonus Faber Amati Homage and Cremona speakers sound wonderfull also. Revel Salon's are also worthy of an audition.