Good, warm, musical, under $500 used monitor

I've been searching for the perfect inexpensive monitor, and have way too many options. You know, I keep thinking I have it nailed down, then I'll find something I might like better. I like a warm, musical tone, but my system is bright, and I have a small room. I'd prefer an engaging sound over hearing every last detail. Had been considering a used Sonus Faber Concertino, but it is above my $$ range. That is the sort of tone I'm going for, though. I'll be getting a sub as well, so I'm not concerned about the bottom octave (although which sub will depend on which speakers, of course).

I'll consider new, as long as it's in the price range.

What's the perfect speaker? Helppppp!!!!!!
If you go the PSB route, be prepared to give them a lot of power, they need it. Along that same line would be the Magnepan MMG. Can be had new shipped to your door for 550, less if you buy used. They need power also, but can sound good if set up right.
2nd the JM Reynaud or you could try Spendors.
If your system is bright may be your electronics too.