Smartphone for the audiophile?

Android vs Iphone. Is the Iphone the obvious/only choice? I am thinking in terms of pc audio control apps, direct streaming, plug in portable hi fi, mobile ipod music, in vehicles, internet radio, output to DACs etc. I realise this question depends on many factors, but in general, which serves the audiophile better, and why?
Both Google and Apple based devices are suitable. NEither are designed for "audiophiles" specifically, but there are sufficient options available for each to make either a useful device for an "audiophile".

In terms of inherent sound quality, Apple is more a fixed known quantity whereas Google will offer more choices. That alone may dictate which path is best.

In terms of getting good sound out of either, a good set of headphones or earbuds designed specifically for use with portable (as opposed to home devices with beefier amplifiers) will go a long way. SO many good ones to choose from. The hardest part is deciding which ones to try. Many are quite good and offer good sound quality, especially when compared to what was available even just a few short years ago.

I use multiple wireless devices to control my digital music setup at home. Iphone, Ipods, Android TAblet. I use Klipsch S4 earbuds to listen directly on each as well. These do not cost much and sound quite good top to bottom, if not quite the nth degree possible in terms of detail.

Right, but that sounds like something a normal person would say, not an "audiophile".

It seems to me that BOTH devices can climb way up the audiophile mountain by simply bypassing the internal DAC and amp?

With Apple, this seems to be more proprietary, subject to licenses, docking stations etc.

With Droid, this seems to be more open source and easy to achieve, albeit with the right cable which I still cant find.
I've heard about the LG G2 (the LG flagship model) it supports 24-bit/192kHz audio playback. Anyone here have experience with it?
the latest android phones work well because they have good processors, plenty of battery power and you can download a 192khz/24 bit player for high rez music. The gotcha with all is the 64gb sd card limit. Last I knew iPhone did not support 24 bit playback
Apple is probably too LCD (least common denominator) in its approach to ever have the best onboard sound potential. Not to say the latest and greatest Apple products are not perfectly adequate for most.

Goodle/Android is more of an open ecosystem of various products. More variety to choose from. Audiophiles tend to like choices, not LCD solutions.