Smartphone for the audiophile?

Android vs Iphone. Is the Iphone the obvious/only choice? I am thinking in terms of pc audio control apps, direct streaming, plug in portable hi fi, mobile ipod music, in vehicles, internet radio, output to DACs etc. I realise this question depends on many factors, but in general, which serves the audiophile better, and why?

Showing 3 responses by davide256

I had an HTC Arrive which was basically a Windows phone + Zune. It bettered the iPod touch for fidelity but my son will never let his iPhone 4S out of his hand for me to compare :<). Note that processer power and battery power are the key limiters for both Apple and Msoft portable device's audio fidelity
the latest android phones work well because they have good processors, plenty of battery power and you can download a 192khz/24 bit player for high rez music. The gotcha with all is the 64gb sd card limit. Last I knew iPhone did not support 24 bit playback
very cool. Its really annoying that many android phones put the sd card behind the battery, whereas this allows you to never open up the case. Thanks for the tip Singleended!