Why Do Martin Logan Speakers Lack Dynamic Energy?

Martin Logan speakers have a huge open soundstage, vivid midrange and excellent detail, better than some of the best speakers in the world.

The only thing that most Martin Logan speakers lack in their respective price range is dynamic energy. What I mean by dynamic energy is sonic weight, mid-bass slam and movement of air that only cone drivers seem to produce (unless you're talking about the Martin Logan Statements). Speakers like Wilson, Revel or Aerial Acoustics have great dynamic energy, so why can't Martin Logan build a speaker cheaper than $80,000 that has it too?
Albertvonn, thanks for the very informative post. At what volume levels did the compression start to set occur?
Get serious and buy yourself an active crossover and perhaps another pair of amps. Believe me, you haven't heard your Martin Logans if you haven't tried this set-up. You wil definitely get more air/volume/sound. Please be open-minded, try it out,you got nothing to loose except maybe a few hundreds there or another electronic paper weight. And besides, you can tweak the esl panel and bass woofer at the same time. And just perhaps reach your sonic nirvana!
I've also owned M-L, ribbons etc. But you cannot break the laws of physics. To get deep uncompressed bass you must move air. Stats just cannot give the excursion required to do this unless they are huge.