Any advise to improve my system

My current stereo system consists of the following:

Sony DVP-9000ES
Plinius CD-LAD pre-amp
Plinius SA-250 MkIV power
PSB Stratus Silver-i Speakers
Harmonic Tech Pro-silway II RCA from DVD player to pre-amp
Harmonic Tech Pro-silway II XLR from pre-amp to power
MIT MH-750 shotgun speaker cable
Synergistic Research Reference AC Master coupler for CD player
Synergistic Research AC Master Coupler for Pre and power amp

My music preference are string instrument, vocal, jazz.

I always feel that I don't get enough kick from listening to my system. It is either not enough detail or bass extension is a little muffled.

Any advise on what is wrong with my system?
It sounds like you have a problem with setup. Your equipment is more than capable of providing the detailed full range sound you seek. Play around with speaker placement. Also take a good look at how your components are sited (equipment stands, speakers spiked, isolation devices). One note of caution, above a certain level of equipment and setup, the recording can become the limiting factor. It's possible that you music simply doesn't have the kick you desire.
PSB Status Silver- You Are The Weekest Link. Goodbye.
Actually they are nice speakers, so try moving them around and look at the room itself. If that dosnt help, its time to start thinking speaker upgrade. I am afraid the rest of your system has risen to a higher level. Try the Gold i and others. With your setup you shouldnt have problems with detail or bass extension. Good luck.
I agree, the speakers are the weakest part of your system. I had a Plinius SA 100 with my Meadowlark Heron I's. Detail and bass were great.
I have to agree with the folks that suggest new speakers. Remember that the speaker is the only transducer in your system, and is therefore the most subject to problems of distortion, non-linearity, etc. Further, your speakers do not have the full-range frequency response of some models, which is probably why you think you don't get enough "kick". You have a lot of choices in full-range speakers, limited mainly by how much you are willing to spend. Your Plinius amp certainly has the "balls" to drive just about any full-range speaker you buy. You will probably get quite a few suggestions about which speakers to audition, but I'd certainly listen to one of my personal favorites, the Vandersteen 3A or 3A Signature, which can be purchased used for about $1800 and $2500, respectively.
Yup, the speakers sounds like your weak link.Audition Thiel CS3.6 when you can with your gears and you might like what you hear.Use a different speaker cables though as Thiels in my experience never like cables with boxes on them.NBS or Audioquest will work.Goodluck.