Magical, Musical, Mini Monitors

As I will soon be finally back in the States, I will be shopping for a car with a steering wheel on the left hand side. A company called Milbert makes an audiophile tube amp for the car and someone suggested to me that home speakers work better with the amp than any car speaker they have ever heard. As I am not married and have no children, my taste runs more towards Ferraris than minivans, so I was hoping some of you might suggest the tiniest monitor with warm, musical midrange that I might try out with this tube amp. Thank you very much.
The tiniest of the Proac line are quite magical . . .no bass however. Mounting would be an obvious challenge however.
What about the Gallo Micros? Not really highend, but in a car, they might work well - plus they are very efficient.
There was this guy a while back that used milberts with the drivers from a pair of silver signatures. They mounted the drivers in custom pods located in each corner of the dash. The pods raised out of the dash whenever the head unit was turned on, so that the drivers faced the person on the opposite side of the speaker. Maybe something you need to top. I hope you're not considering mounting the speakers with the cabinet. I've seen it done, and it is always stupid looking. Just look for a monitor that has a woofer with a small mounting depth. You'll have more mounting options that way. I'm not positive about the extent, but there is one problem with home audio drivers in car applications. The weather. Car speakers are treated for heat and humidity, Proacs and silver sigs aren't. Good luck, let me know what you've done.