Best very small Speakers (at any price)?

I'm building a portable system that will fit in a small equipment suitcase. I'm using a 47 labs Gaincard (50w/ch) amp (that has stepped attenuators to eliminate the need for a preamp) and some yet to be named portable cd player. Has anyone heard some very small (maybe 9"x6"x6" or less) speakers that blow you away? thanks
How about Linn Kans and Tukans? Proof of the oft used cliche about good things coming in small packages. Very tuneful speakers, in my opinion.
May as well throw in LS3/5a BBC moniters, you pick the brand. Though they require tubes and stands to sound their best.
Thank you everybody. This last weekend I got to listen to a pair of Linn Tukans. They sounded pretty good, but I can clearly see (hear) what SDCampbell meant when he said that none of these speakers would "blow me away". sigh ... I did manage to read about some of the models mentioned above (that I have never heard of) and am interested in listening to them, but have no idea if I can find them (living in AZ). Carl_eber: Please let me know how I can find your review or chat with you more about the Norwex speakers. I'm also leaning towards the Dynaudio 1.1's or the Totem 1sig.
Shahinian Super Elfs (Elves?) are great. They are slightly large than what you are talking about, but the sound is amazing. I've heard pretty much everything...Linn, Triangles, Spendor, etc. Very musical, images like crazy, and a great buy at $850. Take a look
don't forget to check out the proac tablette 2000 signatures or the response 1sc. i tink the 1sc's are a li'l nicer, but also a li'l bigger. both much nicer than the totems, imho. doug