Is there an alternate to Martin Logans?

I love Martin Logan, the way they sound except for two things, my aerius i don't play loud enough and don't go low enough, is there anyway I can get these two things without going to a bigger Martin Logan, do other dynamic speakers exist that have the speed and transparency and pin point imaging of a Martin Logan?
I own a pair of Martin Logan Quest Z's, and they play plenty loud with excellent bass. I've yet to hear another speaker with the speed and detail of the ML's (I owned a pair of Apogeee Duetta's for several years, very smooth but a power hog and lacked a little on the bottom end). Once you get hooked on the "panel" sound, it's awfully hard to go back to traditional box speakers. My suggestion to you, sell the Aerius' and move up a notch or two in the ML product line. JL
While I agree with most of whats said here so far you have to realize that the 8" driver in your ML's can only go down so far. More power (but clean) from a great amp may bring you down lower than you are now. You do not memtion your amplifier so I cannot comment on whether changing it may make a difference. For the longest time I had a pair of Acoustat Spectra 11 speakers that also had a 8" driver. I found a big difference when I went from my older Bryston 3B (200 w/ch @ 4 ohms) to a Bryston 4B-ST (400 w/ch @ 4 ohms). The bass was even better as well as lower - more control. But I return to the fact that your model's 8" driver is the most limiting factor. IMHO, move up the ML scale or bring in a good quality sub. Tne sub may well be your least expensive option.
right now I have a Conrad Johnson Premier 14 tube preamp and their new MF2500 240 watt solid state amp. It puts around 450 watts into 4 ohms, so I don't think power is an issue, also I foudn that when I had auditioned a pair of Nautilus 803s in my room they were very boomy, the aerius have been the only speaker that sounded tight.
Oh the Aerius "Do I love them, do I not?" I would suspect that you have come to the same conclusion that most have concerning those speakers, dynamics and bass are missing in action. Regardless of how many times you listen the conclusion is the same. Yes there are dynamic systems that do that pinpoint imaging, transparency AND have excellent dynamics and good bass as well. Try listening to Merlins VSM-SE with BAM unit. Used 3K. Read the reviews from owners in AudioReview and from Reviewers on website. You should get a good picture of what they can do. They are extraordinary dynamic loudspeakers for sure. Good luck. Will
Sorry Will, but regardless of how good it sounds, I could never own something called the BAM. Too embarrassing. Moreover, for 3K he can buy used reQuests which would smoke those Merlins.