Cd players with variable output?

I'd like to purchase an amplifier and a cd player with variable output so that I can avoid buying a pre-amp. I only listen to cd and don't want to spend money on components that I don't seem to need. Now to the question.
Is the Quad CDP the least expensive "quality" cd player with variable output, or "volume control?"
The Resolution Audio CD-50 and CD-55 have variable analog out, if you can find one used. Excellent units.
Wadia, Cary, Resolution Audio, Levinson, Birdland DAC has a volume control also if you wnat to go with a transport. I heard the Resolution Audio Opus 21 with a preamp and without, funny but it sounded the best with the CDP running through the variable output turned up to maximum and going into the preamp versus running the CDP throguh the fixed output and into the preamp, go figure.

Happy Listening.
Theta Miles for around $1200 used is an excellent piece. Has variable analog output. Go for the balanced version though.