Recent reviews on Cyberlight IC's

I am looking for some recent user opinions on the Cyberlights IC's. I know there are some good reviews on Positive Feedback, but I would love to here some recent users opinions.
...yes i did but what my system sounds like my ears this so good that least for a while..i am going to stay with it......for a while!
There was a recent thread on this subject that IMO got pretty nasty. The conclusions seemed to be that these cables are very system dependent and of course the cable that was replaced is a factor. In my opinion the concept behind this cable is at least intrigueing. Some users have reported dramatic improvements.
I have them in my system and have been very pleased with the results. See if you can audition them in your system. Just be sure of the output voltage of your source components to make sure you have the correct Cyberlight for your system. Definitely use the battery over the wall plug. You may also want to check out Ric Schultz's website as he will soon be selling his own custom made battery supply for the Cyberlight cables. Prices should be between $400-$600.00.

I would strongly second the suggestion that you be sure of the output voltage. I went through three different versions of the cyberlight before I got the right one, because I wasn't aware that the voltage was such an important factor. Also get the battery power supply, way better than the wall wart AC supply. I'm not using the cyberlight presently, because I'm waiting on the aftermarket supply from Ric Schultz.
Am currently using both the Wave source-to-pre and P2A pre-to-amp Cyberlights. I don't think my system has ever sounded better but I think the biggest improvement came with the P2A because it eliminates any impedance matching issues between the preamp and amp, in my case a Hovland HP100 and Pass XA-160's. Ric Schultz at EVS has done a great job with increasing everyone's understanding of the voltage issue with source components and helped me select the proper Wave configuration. The H-T power supply is a vast improvement over the wall warts but, like Oneprof, am awaiting one of Ric's custom supplies.