I recently purchased a used BLUESOUND Vault V500

I purchased the BLUESOUND VAULT V500 (used but in the box) and followed the setup instructions to a tee with a Ethernet Cat5 cable to my router port and plugged in the power supply with high hopes but no LED lit up on the top of the unit and also I can not add the vault to my BluOS Control on either my IPhone or IPad! I tried calling BLUESOUND support and left messages and emailed them three times with one useless reply telling me there is no WiFi card in the Vault ( I knew that which is why I connected via Ethernet). I would appreciate any help for someone who struggled with the Vault500. Thank you so much!
Sorry to hear Bluesound didn't respond. They used to answer the phone.
If the unit didn't power up, I would see if I could return it. It sound like it might be defective or at least the power supply.
GDNRBOB, What I did was press the little led button on the top of the vault and then unplugged the power supply and kept the button pressed for ten or more seconds and lucky me the Vault responded!! The BluOS application on my IPad found the player ( my Vault) and all is playing grrrgreat and I started ripping CDs and listened to free radio channels ( love WBGO out of Newark NJ fantastic jazz). Thank you.