Sacd / Dvda universal players

I have been looking to get a universal player these are the following I know about that are out or are coming out. Does anyone know of any I am missing or have any opinions or information about them

Yamaha DVD-S2300 MSRP 1000.00
Onkyo DV-SP800 MSRP 800.00
Marantz DV8300 MSRP 1499.00
Pioneer 47Ai MSRP 1200.00
Denon DVD-2900 MSRP 999.00
Integra DPS 8.3 MSRP 1200.00

Audiophile Reference Class:

Denon DVD-9000 MSRP 3495.00
Lexicon RT-10 MSRP 3495.00
Teac esoteric 50 MSRP 5500.00
Muse model 10
McCormack audio udp-1 est 3495.00
Msb Technology MSRP 7995.00 this is also a preamp/processor
Bel Canto est 8-10K
Linn Unidisk est 8-11K
While I am a big fan of Muse(I own a model nine signaure version three and think the redbook playback is great), you should be aware that the model 10 is not universal - it does not play sacd - it will only play the redbook layer on the sacd hybrid disks.
I am also trying to figure out what to do about a universal player. I own an XA777ES, which gives me multi channel SACD but no DVD A or video. I have thought about a DVD player with the DVD A feature, but to get a true audiophile unit is another $3 to 5K, and I have two players and my current PMDT is then surplus, which is getting a little ridiculous.

What have you heard about there being agreement on a digital output standard for SACD and DVD A in the very near future?

Pioneer DV 45A...Less than $500. Enjoy it while you struggle with the problem of what to do with the extra 2 or 3 grand in your pocket.
well I settled on a philip dv963a. I looked at available software and didnt really see much dvda for the moment. I like sacd better and Thought well, I spend $400 now and wait a year to see all of these universal players get sorted out. Then I will buy a reference piece. The sacd portion of it is pretty good and the dvd video is great. So it should get me through the year. thanks for all the help