Anyone with kids should see this... Just say NO

I have a dog who never goes near my system...when we play ball, and the ball rolls behind a speaker, Toby looks to me to go get it. I never did anything to teach him this. I think he just sense my anxiety level sky rocketing and knows. Too bad Toby didn't get to that rabbit first; then all you would have to clean up is some fur.

....Could be Beelzebub himself with those beady red eyes!! Still, the guy who rescued the bunny couldn't be the sharpest tool in the shed....Who would let a rescued animal that was unknown to them run around free in their home!? OK, he's gotta be a nice guy to have rescued him in the first place, and even nicer still to have put him up for adoption upon discovering his own error in judgement, as opposed to making a stew out of him. I guess you could use those audiophile cable elevators to keep the cable out of reach of paws and jaws, but then again those bunnies are pretty clever!


I happen to stop at a house today, and they had bunnies for just changed my mind. Thank you. Sorry to see and hear what happened to you.
No.. That wasnt me.. Im not sure the bunny would have
made it to the adoption center if it was me... But it
definetly made me think of my audio cables when i saw
that. Im glad you didnt get the bunny.
Poor Voodoo! Thank goodness you didn't have to use a Holy Hand Grenade to rid yourself of the foul, vile and blood thirsty creature as Arthur, King of the Brits, had to when searching for the Holy Grail.....