Best Tube Dac you ve heard

Whats the best Tube Dac, people have heard. There's plenty of good ones out there, Audio Logic, Altis Reference, Kora Hermes, Melos Maxx Tube Dac, AudioNote, VAC, Jadis.
Where can I get information about Audio Logic dacs? Not listed under products on their web site.
Jsbail: I didn't realize they even had a website. You can call Jerry Ozment directly at 203-966-1732, he'll tell you everything you need to know.
Any Audio Note Dac with 1x oversampling. I received a month ago a Audio Note DAC-1.1x. It brought a whole new dimension of sound to my system. I was using a PS Audio Ultralink II with a Cal Delta transport and then changed to a Pioneer DV-414 DVD player and was waiting for the EVS Millenium II DAC. I could not wait any more for the EVS unit and bought the Audio Note DAC. I use the Pioneer as a transport and the Audio Note DAC and WOW! Could not be happier. No regrets!
The Sonic Frontiers Processor 3 Dac, is incredible sounding. The Sonic Frontiers SFD 2 MK II Dac, with 4 Amperex 7308 tubes, sounds almost as good as the processor 3 Dac
The Audio Note DAC 5 on normal 44.1 CD fare outperforms the SACD-1 on SACD. Auditioned an Audio Note DAC 3 with CEC transport through Sphinx solid-state pre and power with KEF Reference loudspeakers. The lower-end extension was incredible: the dealer and I turned the Sphinx amps up very loud to scare away some drunks hanging out in front of the store (music: some modern ballet music with a long doublee bass intro). Very little hiss, and the contours were precise. The sound gave the impression of a gigantic volcano garden.