Is anyone else getting annoyed with...

dealers posting tons of ads for new gear at MSRP in the classifieds? One outfit from Cambridge MA has 16 ads for Nordost Cables in the classifieds instead of the "buy it new" section. They are not building any good will by wasting my time as I page back and forth through each. Yeeeshhh!

Sugarbrie, I don't think their marketing strategy is a very good one. Excuse me if I sound snobish, but I don't think Audiogoners are the cretinous types who fall for that obnoxious approach to advertising - I think it turns people away. I agree that advertisers should mind where they post.
I sincerely hope that A'goN does something to remedy this. It's becoming increasingly prevalent and truly distracts from the "browsing" experience. While it may seem a good strategy for advertisers, it's a real slippery slope for AudiogoN. I don't believe that the AudiogoN constituency (card-carrying, discussion-forum-posting members such as ourselves) is interested in NEW products cluttering up the classified section.

I can handle the occasional mis-guided posting for Kenwood CD players, but this is getting ridiculous!
If you have bandwidth when viewing this site, then the annoyance would be lessened because of less hang time.

I certainly do not mind any of the ads. I am happy just to see a place to purchase and sell more and more product.

If I don't like the way the ad is presented for something I am interested in, I will not buy the product. Not every seller has good taste, but they are trying to sell to me and that is fine.
Stealth93es: I chose the redhead and have been paying for it ever since! :)
I am always hearing people say the first time they met their future spouse they thought the person was annoying or weird. That "annoyance" got their attention.

I was just stating what marketers do. I don't agree or disagree with the strategy. They want you to remember the product. People forget pretty quickly they were annoyed.

Those Lexus ads are not very good, because the announcer mumbles Mark Levinson so badly, I can't even make it out. Secondly, 99.9% of the public don't know who/what Mark Levinson is, so how is it going to sell cars? They would be better off putting a Bose system in the Lexus if their goal is to sell more cars. I won't buy it, because I know Mark Levinson is not really a car stereo brand; and know Mark Levinson sold the company and left. So it is just a fake nameplate the new owner is using to sell it. It really does not matter how smooth the sale pitch is. Ironically, it may help sell more Levinson car stereos (without the Lexus).