
Discussions danheather has started

Have You Ever Put Your Golden Ears to the Test??614432
Best Quality Stands for Fewest $$$?26526
Cambridge or Music Hall??34855
PV-10, PV-11, PV-12, SFL-1 Sig or LS2? Help50887
Digital Dilemma34209
Anybody tried "Sonic Euphoria" cables??35562
Cigar Smell...How to get out of Maggies??494613
ARC...D-90B or D-115MKII? - Driving Maggie 1.6s745510
XA7ES, Miles, Cary 301, ARC CD-1?? Direct to amp..38899
Your "Budget Cable" recommendations, please......751519
Infinity IRS Sigma for 2K...Should I do it??1610010
Cheap Panels...MMG's or Apogee Centaur Minors??34199
How to couple my monitors to stands???406413
Best speakers for a small room? 10'X14'1019331
I Need an Upgrade Path...Help Please41537