New Analog system. where to start?

I have never had that much interest in a tube/analog system but it seem as though after reading all the raves about the sound I want to take the plunge. I am going to use a CJ MV-60 for my power and I haven't decided on a turntable or pre yet. I am a complete novice in this area so any help from you tube or vinyl guru's would be GREATLY appreciated. I have a pair of Maggie 3.6's that I would like to use as my speakers but I am open to suggestions for other, more suitable speakers. I'd like to keep the turntable set-up around $1000 for now and the pre amp priced accordingly with the rest of the gear mentioned. Thanks guys.
I am guessing that Psychic's point is that he had a date with a Tart?? ;-)

Psychic is technically correct that, if one wanted to get a DD table the 1200 would be a good choice as there are so few DD tables produced now that the 1200 wins almost by default. I used to have a 1200 (DD was all the rage back then)and they were one of the better low to mid-fi DD tables out there and are especially good if you want to do DJ work.

I later moved up to a P-3 with a hi-output MC which was a very significant improvement sonically- much quieter, more "air", greater presence. Didn't do any of the upgrades that Psychic refers to, but decided that the upgrades were like trying to turn a VW into a Porsche- no matter how much you spend, you'll still have a VW.

There are many nice tables out there that fit your budget, and for what it's worth, I second all of the previous suggestions. All the tables mentioned have different sonic characters and physical/operational qualities. And since there aren't any objective standards against which to measure performance, I think it's a bit disengenuous, at least at this price point, to say a certain set up "blows away" a similar set up. As usual, it comes down to a question of taste (and the aggressivenss with which some people promote their own particular tastes always strikes me as a bit odd, if not downright defensive and insecure). It would be nice if you could audition some of the tables already mentioned. I would recommend a used Rega P3 w/ some Dynavector cart and a Monolithic phonostage (sans power supply). This set up up will get you started for under a grand, and the Monolithic is fairly flexible, so you can experiment with either MM or (most) MC carts. While this setup won't be at the level of your current gear, it will give you a nice taste of the joys of vinyl; and if (!) you decide that vinyl isn't for you, you should be able to resell the stuff for almost the price you paid for it. Have fun.
The point is----- sometimes technology is used to advertise candy (Pop Tarts) and sometimes candy (Mami) is used to advertise technology!!!!

I own a Monolithic phono stage--truly awesome piece of equipment. Great value for the money (as is everything else I own).

BTW, I got a brand new Ortofon X5 MC (high output) for $110 + shipping...
The Rega tables are more likely to get your toes tapping.

"Fooled by Particle...and glass"????????

I see you never heard one.