Speaker Cable Suggestions?

I am upgrading my speaker cables for Vandy 2CE and Bel Canto EVO amp, I am considering MIT Term. 2 and Analysis Plus Oval 9, must be biwire. Any other suggestions or comments would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Rick
Hi, I have the 2ce sigs and a Music Reference RM9 MKII. I am using Mapleshade clearview double golden helix cables. The sound is open, transparent with excellent bass. The price is reasonable.
Hi back at you Hiflyer and thanks for the post. I now have about 70-80 hrs. on the evo and it gets better everyday. Today I put a 12 inch bike tube under and mdf board and sat the evo on it, man what a difference. It really opened up the soundstage, gave it a much wider and fuller soundstage while losing just a bit of imaging which is ok for me due to the soundstage improvement. I am using the hts1000 line conditioner right now but have read many many articles that say the P300 is by far the best one to use and everyone seems to agree that the evo requires a conditioner. Right now I am only using one also but when I get my speakers upgraded I am definitely buying a second one. Have a happy new year. Rick
I don't mean to be skeptical, but how does sitting your amp on a bicycle innertube improve imaging? I can understand eliminating low frequency feedback from the speaker to the amp but how is imaging effected? No disrespect intended, I just don't understand how it is possible.
GMkowal if you will re-read my post I stated that it improved the soundstage while losing, repeat losing a bit of imaging not improving image as you said in your post.
Rick based on your speakers and 2 cable choices all of which I am familiar with, other than the amp, I would think that the Analysis Plus Oval 9's MAY work better in your system. As Sean stated the MIT's and AP are at different ends of the tonal spectrum. The AP's which I currently own and am about to sell are quite revealing and immediate yet also very smooth. With this cable in my system the high frequencies are too bright (forward and immediate) on many recordings. The MIT's IMO offer a more laid back sound though not less detail suprisingly, less of what you probably need with your already laid back Vandy's. Having said that, I still feel that in the right system AP are great value speaker cables. Sean's advice is right on, audition first to be sure, tooo many variables in equipment let alone individual tastes. The MIT's do other things that I don't hear with other cables and attribute it to the mystery network box.