Alternative feet for LINN LP-12

Other than the standard rubber feet and the Trampolin, does anyone have any thoughts on what to use under a LINN lp-12 sondek? BDR cones, etc?
The URL used to be, but lately my emails have come back as a nonexistent URL. Who knows what happened to them...You can make your own, Lolo. There's all this aura around buying stuff these days. If you can properly tune your Linn Sondek you can handle this one. Trust me.

Materials such as brass, lead and graphite composites work extremely well together. Just have to experiment. Isn't what this hobby is about?
Hey Lolo, I've got something for you!

Go to this link:

They are Italian made graphite bases for components. Bueno.

Making your own makes sense. I agree with Insur224. Have you noticed that some printig methods use lead sheets? If you could get a hold of one and some how make a base with it (sealing the lead, of course) you would be in business.

Although I do not own one, I am familiar with the Linns. Taking the bottom panel makes 100% sense to me.

Good tweaking.
sc53, I've heard that cones do exactly what alexc describes - hard, etched sound. I think that virtually any non-exotic, firm rubber footer rigidly affixed to the base will suffice. Happy listening, -John