
Discussions musicdoc has started

impedance matching--could you dumb it down 4 me?269564
what exactly does a zobel network do?96493
Trends TA-10.1 optnions/input64889
experience/opinions re: Eminent Tech LFT-16?36174
"magic" stampers?472510
instructions for AT safety raiser AT6006a133052
vintage speaker find--are these anything?38333
any users of red wine modified teac al-700p amps?28051
Hartley speakers--anyone heard/heard of?1855417
western north carolina-still looking653112
MONOmaniacal advice requested vinyl question39287
"simian" rock/pop songs?-a survey3040534
help a brother out?30644
experience with TG audio tonearm cable?42425
good basic sound card36192