impedance matching--could you dumb it down 4 me? | arnettpartners | 26987 | 4 | |
what exactly does a zobel network do? | gs5556 | 9728 | 3 | |
Trends TA-10.1 optnions/input | larryrx7 | 6508 | 9 | |
experience/opinions re: Eminent Tech LFT-16? | pani | 3657 | 4 | |
"magic" stampers? | patrickamory | 4786 | 10 | |
instructions for AT safety raiser AT6006a | mjm0 | 13343 | 2 | |
vintage speaker find--are these anything? | musicdoc | 3920 | 3 | |
any users of red wine modified teac al-700p amps? | gmood1 | 2833 | 1 | |
Hartley speakers--anyone heard/heard of? | koestner | 18798 | 17 | |
western north carolina-still looking | micheal848 | 6585 | 12 | |
MONOmaniacal advice requested vinyl question | ballywho | 3953 | 7 | |
"simian" rock/pop songs?-a survey | limomangus | 30445 | 34 | |
help a brother out? | oregon | 3079 | 4 | |
experience with TG audio tonearm cable? | bpwalsh | 4312 | 5 | |
good basic sound card | lazarus28 | 3686 | 2 | |