Best MC Cartridge $300.00 or less

Decided to try a Moving Coil phone cartridge. Turntable is a Harmon Kardon T 60 and pre amp id Threshold FET 2. Any suggestions?
i like my ortofon mc-25fl, also. i also liked my sumiko blue-point; never heard the *special*, but i wood imagine it's even better. i've heard nice things about the a-t oc9, but have no 1st-hand experience. i'm currently awaiting receipt of a 50-hr-old dynavector karat 17, retail $750, i paid <1/3rd that. we'll see if it's worthwhile buying a used cartridge...
Dynavector 10x4 MK.II blows away all the other carts listed. I believe MSRP is $350 but shopping around should yield a price close to your limit. This cart is high output, 2.0 mv, so should work fine with either mm or mc stage. Always check for compatibility, though.
I liked my Sumiko BPS enough to buy a lot of vinyl, after hearing it. I then went to the Glider, and now the Lo4. I doubt the Dynavector "blows away" the BPS, but I haven't heard the Dynavector. If you wanna hear "blown away", you need to spend more IMO.
>> I doubt the Dynavector "blows away" the BPS, but I haven't heard the Dynavector. << The Dyna 10x4 is indeed a *much* better sounding cart than the BPS [in all honesty it doesn't take much] - it's a better tracker, it's presentation is less smeared and a hell of a lot smoother without the spittiness of the Sumiko. Mr.Eber, don't you think it would help to audition the products, about which you opine, before pronouncing judgment? That said, a relatively stiff 'coil isn't going to sound its best coupled to the T-60's arm; I'd recommend either a Shure V15, A-T ML-150 or a Goldring 1042. Best Wishes, Felix