Best power cord for amp??

Just bought an Audio Research VT-100MKII. I need some suggestion for power cords. Please advise. Thanks
shunyata-powersnakes. ther're the best on everything.the only cable that you actually hear more detail in every frequency range.look on the net and you'll see all these other high dollar cables for sale[cheap]that's because they have powersnakes the sellers of these cables and you'll see.
I have tried twelve different power cords on both my amplifiers and CD player and I advise you to not believe that anyone else can tell you what is absolutely best for your application and tastes. I was astounded at both how much difference the after- market cords improve the sound vs. stock cords, and how much difference there is between different brands. Personally, I'm hooked on shunyata research powersnakes. Check out the new sidewinder, which will be available late next week. It should be a great performer. Call my friend Paul at The Cable Company- you can borrow different cords from the lending library, and you'll love the professional, friendly, service. Good luck.
I am sold on the powersnakes. The black mamba is very good and an incrediable improvement for the money but the cobra is a several magnitudes better. I'm afraid to hear the king cobra.
Tjreed is correct. They do all sound different. You will do yourself a disservice if you do not try a Powersnake in your system. It's rare to see a used one here @ the Audiogon because they are magnificent. The only time you see one is when someone is upgrading to a higher snake. Good luck in your search. Shunyata is the only way to go...
Tjreed and Jaguar are right! Or you buy King Cobra or nothing....... I use this power cord on Cec TL-0 Mk2 Transport and stock power cord on my mono amps M1.1. i don't like after market power cords on amps.They will change the sound ( except for KC).I have selled all my after power cords. Marco from italy