How much are you worth ?

I know. I know. It's none of my business. Bear with me. I know people who have $200K in the bank & their system costs
100K. I've also seen people living in dumps listening to 50K systems. So please tell me. What is your limit? How far will you go? If someone has $100, how much does he/she have to spend on audio equipment before you'd tell him/her to cool it. An accountant once told me that pertaining to the States as a whole,up to 1/3 of your net worth can be spent on housing, 10% on transport (cars), 5% on furnishing, etc.
Wonder if there's an indicator for high-end audio.
I can't go here, but I will say that if my accountant knew how much I had tied up in my system he would shit. Of course, I do this for a living so actually, these are occupational tools! :~)
Hey, tfta: occupational "hazards" maybe :>) {pleasant ones, at that!)
A fool and his money are soon parted... Look for bargains. Think long term. Buy quality. Don't get in over your head or please do, since your neat stuff will be on the used market were I can grab it for about what it should retail for in the first place. Priorities, what priorities? Feed your head. Don't sweat the ratios. To those who feel that the market value of their portfolio has something to do with the car, house, audio gear they can afford: a paper gain, a paper loss, it's all speculation until you cash in. Warren Buffet doesn't necessarily dance on the ceiling or hang himself in the atttic with every market change. In fact, I wonder what he listens to and with what equipment? Any friends of Warren out there?