absolute best component you ever owned

I am sure we all have a truely favorite component, be it speakers, amp, TT, listening chair, etc. What are your favorites?
The absolute best component I ever owned is my old and still working Magnavox 560 CD Player. I paid $89.00 for it 12 years ago and it's still working great. It has digital out and has been used for years with various Outboard DA processors. It was damaged a few years ago during a move. The remote control sensor inside the box broke loose. I just drilled a hole in the side and the sensor is taped on top. Works great. It’s now being used in my bedroom system.
Jadis JA 200 amps. I can't see ever wanting any other amplification. These things give me goose bumps. I bought them used and consider myself very lucky to have them.
I agree with recres, I love my Tube Research amps. I have yet to have found an amplifier so dynamic, yet so at ease.