Please explain Mulholland drive?

I just spent 3 hours watching Mullholland drive and am totally confused. Would somebody who understood this movie please explain it to me.
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I stopped taking LSD in the 70's man. Are you suposed to play this backwards or something?
Tim(I think)
Thanks for the help, all. Several of us "linear thinkers" watched the movie last night and none of us made the leap to thinking about the entire movie as a metaphore. All four of us were grasping for at least one concrete thread to ground a story to, but never did find one. I suppose I'm with Jameswei, above. I appreciated the art of the film at a certain level, but felt at the end that I'd wasted my time in watching the whole thing.
I heard on the radio today that parts of the movie were from a TV pilot that Lynch made that was never picked up by the networks. Lynch then wove several dreamlike stories around it. I can't say I liked the film, but anything by Lynch (including "Dune") is worth seeing.
Never mind the hype I thought it was bloody awful. Nice cinematography, but bloody awful.
I really liked his previous film, "The straight story", but I guess it wasn't Lynchian enough for his die-hard fans. Also liked Wild at Heart and Blue Velvet, but Mulholland Drive ... two BIG thumbs down.