rouge 66 pre amp magnum upgrade is it worthwile

my pre amp is at rouge getting repaired and i am thinking
about doing the magnum upgrade is any body who did it to there 66 , is there a night and day diferences please
let me know before i lay out $250 bucks

thanks mike daro
Daro, you will like it , also have Mark sell you some NOS for the line Stage and some 7308 for the phono. Greg
What are the differences in sound between the stock and Magnum versions Drumsgreg?
Bradz, it sounded better over the whole range, from the bass to the top end sound much better. it did sound a little faster or dynamic than before. The Innersound will let you hear all the is to hear from any thing you do to your system, and the second I got the unit back the from Mark it sound better than before, the bass was much better than before, also I change the two line stage tubes to E80cc from the 12au7`s that it used before . if you try these tubes call Mark before you change them, but I will tell you this I will Never use a 12au7 in it again, the E80cc was that much better still and made the 66 another pre-amp. with the changes I believe I`m much closer to a stock 99 than anyone would like to admit too.The Magnum is worth the money . Greg