Sony DVP- S9000es

Getting ready to purchase but before I did was wondering if I could get some opinions or input from current owners or those who have heard this unit. I am buying primarily for use as redbook cd player, will I need outboard dac? How is the audio quality with SACD? I am about 70/30 audio to video but would like one player for both, I realize I will give up some audio quality but I do not have to have world class Wadia, Krell, etc. audio but would like to get close to that quality if possible. Thanks for your help and advice.
I have it and it sounds great for regular CD and SACD. I am probably 90/10 audio/video, and bought it as a DVD player only, figuring the SACD was a small bonus. As soon as I heard it, I gave up my Meta Laser 1 transport (granted 10 years old). I had been waiting for the CD wars to settle before getting a new CD player, which I thought might be coming soon, but this is a real find.
In fact, get TAS Feb/Mar. It's reviewed and highly rated for CD. Also, if you put Sony DVP-S900ES in google, you'll find a bunch of reviews which extol the sound for redbook CD's.
Oh . . . did I mention it's also a great DVD player? (LOL)
I have one & for the bucks it is not a bad unit. I only use it for DVD & SACD playback. I tried it for cd playback & it is o.k. but if I were going to use it as an all in one player I would have it modified to get better cd playback. There are several companies that do this at a reasonable cost.I believe Modright? Modwright? is one but if yoy search this sight there are several who do this. Good luck; Larry W.
Do a search on the 9000es and you will get at least 20 threads asking the same question. fwiw I have one and am using it exclusively for DVD/v playback only.
I bought one and for the money in my opinion is maybe underpriced for what it can do---cd, progressive scan,dvd, sacd,etc. and it looks cool as a bonus.