Will there be stereos in Heaven? Cables?

Or will you just think of a song in your infinite mental list and it will start playing in your head? If so, there will likely be a way for friends to listen to (new?) songs together and surely you couldn't play it so loud in your head that it would disturb others, don't you think, but on the other hand, in Heaven, wouldn't you think that you could tell what others were thinking ,i.e. hearing, and you could change it and the 'player' would still like the song you played better? Plus if the best cable ideally is no cable will there be cables or wires in heaven,I think not, you? Thanks.
Hi Jadem6, that is a scary thought. I guess that would mean that you aint heaven bound. It will be nice to meet you.
I'm thinking we won't need a stereo in heaven, we'll enjoy the jam. Moon on drums, Jimi on lead guitar, alternate Morrison and Janis on vocals. Hopefully Zappa will arrange the tunes.
Jeffloistarca~I'm sorry jeff but I have to disagree. They will need stereo's in Heaven because all those folks, including the great Jerry Garcia, Kurt Cobain, Pig-pen, Brent Mydland, Stevie Ray Vaughn, and the like, will be with me in Hell! Come on you know that all the fun is down in the basement with Lucifer leading the band. Besides, no alchohol is served upstairs just sermons!
If you make it to heaven, and have received Jesus as your Savior and Lord, you will be spending your time praising the Master. You will not be worried about material things like high end stereos. They will all pass away. The only things that go are things eternal. Things that you cannot see with your naked eye, because they will all pass away. It is appointed man once to die, but after death the judgement. Hebrews 9:27 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 6:23.
Well, we are a mixed household as far as religion goes. I'm sure that my wife will let me listen to her stereo in heaven:-)