Audio Research 100.2 amp

I have been in the market for amp upgrade. Integrated was my first option, but someone recommended ARC 100.2 power amp for audition. Does anyone know or have experience with this amp? I did a little research on the net but could not find much. Any input would be appreciated. MY speakers are Sunes Faber Signum and Pioneer DV-525 (to be mod'd and DAC to be added later). Music preference is 95% classic, especially strings and chorals. Also, any recommended dealer, approx price would be great! Thanks. Ken
I own a ARC 100.2 And it a great sounding amp. When people think of Audio Research, they automatically think tubes. That is why this amp is so overlooked. I auditioned it along with a ARC VT100mk2, and if money is ANY consideration, get the 100.2. It sounds much more like a tube amp than a ss amp. The 100.2 is $3000 new and about $1800 to $2000 used if you can find one. Check out the ads on Audiogon a see how many VT100mk2's are listed compared to the 100.2. You very seldom see 100.2 for sale used. That's because people that own them love them so much. The 100.2 just sounds like music and you can't get better than that.
Thank you folks. Slowhand, I was just wondering why ARC 100.2 is so "clandestine" while ARC in gereral is famous. I would very much like to audition it, but do you by any chance know a dealer around NY? Thanks again. Ken
khogkugo, the 100.2 is *clandestine*, cuz it's solid-state, made by one of the reknowned tube mfr's. i've heard it driving a pair of proac 2.5's w/a res-audio cd-50 thru an arc ls-16 preamp - *wery* nice.
Sedond: Is there any professional review or article on this? Gmkowal: Is there any dealer in NY city? Thanks!